🛑 The spots are limited.

📝Those interested please send an email to:

📧 Info@tarteel.org

By Thursday the 25th of January 10am

Once all registrations are collected, an assessment will be arranged to verify if all applicants are at the required starting level.

📝the assessment will be taking place on Friday the 26th of January at 9am, for those who qualify.

📖 Pre-requisite to join the course: is to know how to read Arabic.

🗓️The class runs with the same semester as Tarteel classes.

💲Fees: $200/semester

ℹ️Once applicants are approved, this will be based on first-in first served.

ℹ️The classes will start from the basics. Some of the main components of the classes are:


2️⃣Conversation / Reading



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